WinPc Defender - A Dangerous fake spyware
This is a malicious spyware in the internet. It is not only a fake anti-spyware application but very dangerous as well. WinPc Defender may enter into the PC due to following reasons:
1. Non-protected PCs from authorized anti-virus softwares.
2. Visiting websites which are not safe authenticated by a valid and authorized antyi-viruses.
The above figure shows a snapshot of WinPc Defender.
Consequences of WinPc Defender
1. Enters into PCs as a trojan application pretending to be a video codec and slowly effects the data stored.
2. It gets installed by itself and performs scanning of the PCs which are fake.In other words the real scanning of the PC does not happen but a pop up will be shown as if a scan procedure is going on.
3. Keeps on giving fake error messsages and pop-ups so as to scare the PC user to compromise and compell the user to buy the WinPc Defender original version.
4. Ruins the PC's safety and integrity from a large to greater extent.
This makes it a parasite in the internet and has to be considered a 'Rouge spyware'. However if the PC has a virtual machine installed , the virtual machine may not be effected by Win PC Defender.
- Remove this application ASAP without delaying..The more it is delayed the more it gets worse effecting the data.
Primary option: Download a software called 'Malwarebytes' from the internet and perform a system scan. Then once WinPc Defender gets detected clean up the effected files. Then Restart the PC..
Secondary option: Clean up the entire PC by taking back up of the important files and formating it.
Why Malwarebytes ??
The usage of Malwarebytes is unique because the WinPc Defender may disable the antivirus software which is already in the PC making it unable to detect it once entered into the PC.
*Note: If the PC has already an authorized version of any anti-virus software ,it is recommended that the malwarebytes software be uninstalled after cleaning up the WinPc Defender, since it may cause confliction between itself and the anti-virus which has been already installed.
Thank dude.